"Aceros Fundidos Forjados Especiales, S.L.", is a company founded in 1997, located in Valencia (Spain) and dedicated to engineering, development and making of pieces and multimechanic equipment. We are long and widely experienced in the following industry fields: Oil: We are experiencied in the drilling, extracting, transporting and refining stages. We have also worked for hydrocarbon gas cryogenesis plants. Electrical Energy Generation: We make pieces for hydroelectric power station turbines, coal thermal power plant turbines and electric generator gas turbines. Iron & Steel Industry: We have taken very active part in all this field stages, from the iron ore mining, transporting and crushing, lump post-production, reduction stages - little bricks Midrex process, blast furnaces, billet, electric furnaces to warm and cool laminating. Aluminium: Likewise we have taken very active part in all process that lead to aluminium making, from the bauxite ore mining, transporting and crushing, to aluminium oxide (alumina) transformation and later aluminium reduction. We are experienced in aluminum lamination into wire, plate and coil also. Cement: We have worked for cement companies, from the silicon oxide and calcic carbonate ore mining, transporting and crushing, to its drying stages and clinker dry milling. Gold, cupper, bauxite and iron mining: We have clients from these fields. We have supplied pieces for its transport, crushing and milling equipments for years. We are capable to fulfill every methalmechanic construction need.
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